Maple Mozza Bacon Burger

Full of sweet maple flavour and a unique texture,
your customers will be raving about it!
- Char broil your burger, fry the bacon and toast your bun on the grill.
- Just when the burger is almost done, top with mozzarella cheese and let it melt.
- Remove your bun from the grill and top with lettuce and tomato. Place your burger next, then the bacon.
- Finally top your beautiful burger with our Madly Maple Burger Mustard.
- Admire, devour and enjoy!
"Using premium condiments allows for a premium price and generates a premium profit!"
Approx. Cost - $4.33
Suggested Sell - $12.99 - $15.99
Profit - $8.66 - $11.66
*Includes a provision of $.97 for golden crisp fries.